Brain image, sagittal DTI

Recent News

Congratulations to Jenna Merenstein, Ph.D., for being awarded a three-year NIH postdoctoral fellowship. With this award, Jenna will be comparing standard and high-resolution measures of white matter structural connectivity, with regard to characterizing both healthy aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Her BIAC faculty mentors are Drs. David Madden and Allen Song.
Congratulations to Sharena Ballard for being nominated for the Michelle P. Winn Inclusive Excellence Award! Sponsored by the Duke School of Medicine Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, this award was established to recognize those who have contributed significantly to the diversity, equity, and inclusion of their School of Medicine community.
BIAC faculty, Dr. Rajendra A. Morey, and his lab were recently highlighted in The Duke Daily for their work on climate change, displacement, and mental health.
Congrats Devon Overson from the MR Engineering Lab for winning the 1st prize for best Ph.D. student presentation at the Duke Medical Physics Research Symposium for his poster titled "High-resolution DTI cortical column analysis for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease in high-risk pre-symptomatic subjects”!
Brain images

Our Mission

As a major imaging resource for Duke University, BIAC strives for excellence in its dual mission of research and service. BIAC faculty members are leaders in imaging methodology development, in analysis techniques, as well as in their application in cognitive and clinical neurosciences. In addition, BIAC offers imaging service to other imaging faculty members on campus and at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.